Python Basics: Python Institute PCEP

Learn the basics of Python programming & prepare for the PCEP exam.

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Course details

ceus icon CEUs 1.4

schedule icon Schedule Evenings

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Registration details

Python Basics: Python Institute PCEP

Learn the basics of Python programming & prepare for the PCEP exam.

What you’ll be able to do — competencies

  • Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental concepts of Python programming language.
  • Express Python scripts to solve basic programming problems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in using Python data structures and comments.
  • Show proficiency in working with lists, ranges and loops.
  • Use functions and Python libraries.
  • Demonstrate proficiency to work with strings, dictionaries, sets and tuples.
  • Generate code by using the functionality comprehension.
  • Operate booleans and conditionals.

What previous students are saying about this course

quote mark down icon … His [the instructor] grasp on the language is obviously deep, the curriculum has great value, and I feel prepared for certification. His ability to deliver a path into Python coding was thoughtful, concise, and engaging for every class. … quote mark up icon

Bellevue College Continuing Education Fall 2024 Python Student

Course Description

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The course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Python programming and prepare them for the PCEP-30-02 certification exam. Students will learn the basics of Python such as data types, variables, loops, and functions. They will also learn how to handle exceptions, and use Python libraries.

The course will also focus on the best practices of software development. Students will learn about code style, debugging, and testing. The course will conclude with a comprehensive review of all the topics covered to help students prepare for the PCEP-30-02 certification exam.

Next available start dates

Online — Evenings

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Python Basics: Python Institute PCEP
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Total classroom hours

14 hours

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Evenings, 6:00 PM - 8:20 PM, 6 W - 2/19/2025 - 3/26/2025

Quarter: Winter

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Total cost


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Instructor: Roberto Reif

Roberto has experience in data analytics training and consulting. He was the Head and Executive Director of Data Science and Strategy at Metis, a company focused on Data Science and Analytics training. He led the signal processing team at Sensoria Inc., did research at the University of Washington, and was a Program Manager at Microsoft. He received PhD in Biomedical Engineering and has co-authored scientific pubications, books, and patents.

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